Monday, February 16, 2015

Welcome to He Gets Things Done

I have long been a procrastinator; a fact about which I'm not particularly proud.  And the thing about most procrastinating, is that it really does get done eventually. It may take a little more time tomorrow, but the dishes will get done.  However, lately I have come to realize that the real damage done by my procrastination is in the form of opportunities lost. It is not as if I'm making particularly good use of the time that I gain by putting things off. It mostly gets piddled away: mostly by worrying about procrastinating.

I suspect that there are a lot of people out there like me. Inertia is difficult to overcome; particularly when it involves video games with the guys or a movie with the girlfriend.

I may have strange or overly ambitious ideas about what I should be doing with my time, but that's okay.  You probably do to.  Mostly, I want to be creative and productive.  I want to have something to show for my life in the form of actual artifacts.  Not work I've been ordered to do by someone else in return for a paycheck, or cool stuff that I've bought with that paycheck, but things that I've made with my own hands, or conceived of by my own mind.

The purpose of this blog is to at the very least hold me accountable to myself. I plan to share my accomplishments with anyone who cares to read about them.  I am also interested in encouraging and promoting the accomplishments of anyone who wants to join me in trying to have a more fulfilling life.  Just send me an email ( and tell me what you've done.  Document it with pictures and send those along too.

It may take some work to overcome that inertia, but please come help me do it.


Andrew: He Gets Things Done

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